The Spanish also have a slightly more powerful navy than their rivals.

Blacksmith upgrades are also available without any gold cost. Spanish trade units generate 33% more gold than usual. The Spanish also benefit from a higher flow of gold than other civilizations. You can count on getting the buildings in place early and quickly moving on to harvesting resources. The biggest Spanish bonus is that their villagers construct buildings 30% faster than any other civilization.

The Spanish technology, Supremacy, enables Spanish villagers to fight better than normal. The Missionary is a mounted unit that has all the powers of a Monk except the ability to carry relics. Like the Hun Tarkan, the Conquistador is best used in a hit and run manner, staying just out of range of the enemy as they run in and out. The Conquistador is basically just a Hand Cannoneer with a horse. The Spanish The technologically advanced Spanish have two unique units, both of which are just mounted versions of other units. Cavalry archers are available at a reduced cost to the Hun player as well. Hun stables are capable of producing units and upgrades 20% faster than normal. This really cuts down on administrative headaches. First and most importantly, they do not need to build houses to support their population. The Huns have many other benefits as well. It also halves the cost of spies or treason on the part of the Huns. This technology doubles the time it takes rivals to achieve victory with relics and wonders.

On the technology side of things, the Huns alone can research Atheism. While it takes a lot of these guys to match up to the power of a single battering ram, the Tarkan's remarkable speed lends itself well to the hit and run tactics practiced by the Huns. The Hun player has exclusive access to the Tarkan, a mounted unit specializing in building destruction. The Huns have some incredible cavalry bonuses and are very skilled in lightning quick attacks followed by equally fast retreats. The Huns These mounted nomads terrorized Europe for centuries and broke the gates of Rome. The New Civilizations The expansion pack features five fantastic new civilizations (bringing the playable total up to 18), each with its own unique character and strategies.