*known issue: occasionally Sims will place empty beer cans into the dishwasher like they do with juice glasses. When the player puts the menu package and your drink package into their mods folder, their fridge will show the drinks menu, and your drink will appear on the menu. You will also need to direct your downloader to get the Craftables Enabler and the AOM_crafting_grab_a_drink_menu.package from this download (if the person doesn't want the beer, they can just add the menu package and not the beer package). If others are interested in making new drinks that will show up on the drinks menu, please see Leniad's tutorial HERE. You need the version posted on or later because that version has updated code that allows shareable menus like the one included in this package. You will need Andrew's Craftables Enabler mod for the drink menu to show up. Level 3: Sat-Sun, 9:00-3:00 (daytime hours), 24/hr #AOM #career #EA Fix

Level 2: Same days and hours, $23/hr, Charisma 3

Also, since we thought it was kind of silly to have a uniform for babysitting and working in a daycare, Sims will go to work in their everyday outfit instead of the ugly babysitter uniform that came with the game. It is always a part-time job even at the top level of the career, so Sims that aren't interested in long hours have an occupation option suited to their wants. The pay is changed for both ages to be more consistent with wages for other careers in the game. This mod adds a Child Care career for adults and fixes the teen babysitter career a little bit.