Mainly because the ever popular mascot Mario is famous for it. This perhaps the most familiar genre of all of video games.

The question is, what really are the best category of video games out there? And that’s what this list is here to find out… and also discovering the worst. We’ve seen how 3D came to be and how keyboard and mouse segnificanly differs from console controls that birthed out so many new ways to interact with this medium. Video games have spent its entire existence keeping the audience interested with innovation. It’s similar to how very different different a boxing match is to a hockey game these sports are very different by how they play, the design of the structure, and the rules and objectives needed to continue on. There is no requirement to tell a story in a video game, rather its importance relies on how well the game plays. You can see a very clear difference with a strategy game as opposed to a Mario platformer. What’s very unique about video games is that this media’s genres is not defined by tone, style, or story (like you see in movies, television shows, novels, and comics) but instead how different gameplay is handled. On the contrary, some of the best ones were able to perfect the innovators who birthed such category of games. Simply, just because a game is in a particular genre, doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily rip-offs. How can breaking away a traditional formula work well with the audience is a similar challenge to how to make a proper dessert without a recipe? Experimentation is required to deviate from the tradition, but it is necessary to expand on familiarity to new horizons.

It’s very difficult to come up with a totally original concept in any media.